Thursday, 31 October 2013

Weddings from The Knot and The Nest

The rest of his body was so streaked, and spotted, and marbled with the same shrouded hue, that, in the end, he had gained his distinctive appellation of the White Whale; a name, indeed, literally justified by his vivid aspect, when seen gliding at high noon through a dark blue sea, leaving a milky-way wake of creamy foam, all spangled with golden gleamings.

Nor was it his unwonted magnitude, nor his remarkable hue, nor yet his deformed lower jaw, that so much invested the whale with natural terror, as that unexampled, intelligent malignity which, according to specific accounts, he had over and over again evinced in his assaults. More than all, his treacherous retreats struck more of dismay than perhaps aught else. For, when swimming before his exulting pursuers, with every apparent symptom of alarm, he had several times been known to turn round suddenly, and, bearing down upon them, either stave their boats to splinters, or drive them back in consternation to their ship.

[gallery] [img alt="Wedding" src=""][/img] [img alt="Interior" src=""][/img] [img alt="fashion" src=""][/img] [img alt="flower" src=""][/img] [img alt="other fashion" src=""][/img] [img alt="cars" src=""][/img] [/gallery] Already several fatalities had attended his chase. But though similar disasters, however little bruited ashore, were by no means unusual in the fishery; yet, in most instances, such seemed the White Whale's infernal aforethought of ferocity, that every dismembering or death that he caused, was not wholly regarded as having been inflicted by an unintelligent agent.

Judge, then, to what pitches of inflamed, distracted fury the minds of his more desperate hunters were impelled, when amid the chips of chewed boats, and the sinking limbs of torn comrades, they swam out of the white curds of the whale's direful wrath into the serene, exasperating sunlight, that smiled on, as if at a birth or a bridal.
Weddings from The Knot and The Nest

His three boats stove around him, and oars and men both whirling in the eddies; one captain, seizing the line-knife from his broken prow, had dashed at the whale, as an Arkansas duellist at his foe, blindly seeking with a six inch blade to reach the fathom-deep life of the whale. That captain was Ahab. And then it was, that suddenly sweeping his sickle-shaped lower jaw beneath him, Moby Dick had reaped away Ahab's leg, as a mower a blade of grass in the field. No turbaned Turk, no hired Venetian or Malay, could have smote him with more seeming malice. Small reason was there to doubt, then, that ever since that almost fatal encounter, Ahab had cherished a wild vindictiveness against the whale, all the more fell for that in his frantic morbidness he at last came to identify with him, not only all his bodily woes, but all his intellectual and spiritual exasperations. The White Whale swam before him as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep men feel eating in them, till they are left living on with half a heart and half a lung. That intangible malignity which has been from the beginning; to whose dominion even the modern Christians ascribe one-half of the worlds; which the ancient Ophites of the east reverenced in their statue devil;—Ahab did not fall down and worship it like them; but deliriously transferring its idea to the abhorred white whale, he pitted himself, all mutilated, against it. All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.

It is not probable that this monomania in him took its instant rise at the precise time of his bodily dismemberment. Then, in darting at the monster, knife in hand, he had but given loose to a sudden, passionate, corporal animosity; and when he received the stroke that tore him, he probably but felt the agonizing bodily laceration, but nothing more. Yet, when by this collision forced to turn towards home, and for long months of days and weeks, Ahab and anguish lay stretched together in one hammock, rounding in mid winter that dreary, howling Patagonian Cape; then it was, that his torn body and gashed soul bled into one another; and so interfusing, made him mad. That it was only then, on the homeward voyage, after the encounter, that the final monomania seized him, seems all but certain from the fact that, at intervals during the passage, he was a raving lunatic; and, though unlimbed of a leg, yet such vital strength yet lurked in his Egyptian chest, and was moreover intensified by his delirium, that his mates were forced to lace him fast, even there, as he sailed, raving in his hammock. In a strait-jacket, he swung to the mad rockings of the gales. And, when running into more sufferable latitudes, the ship, with mild stun'sails spread, floated across the tranquil tropics, and, to all appearances, the old man's delirium seemed left behind him with the Cape Horn swells, and he came forth from his dark den into the blessed light and air; even then, when he bore that firm, collected front, however pale, and issued his calm orders once again; and his mates thanked God the direful madness was now gone; even then, Ahab, in his hidden self, raved on. Human madness is oftentimes a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form. Ahab's full lunacy subsided not, but deepeningly contracted; like the unabated Hudson, when that noble Northman flows narrowly, but unfathomably through the Highland gorge. But, as in his narrow-flowing monomania, not one jot of Ahab's broad madness had been left behind; so in that broad madness, not one jot of his great natural intellect had perished. That before living agent, now became the living instrument. If such a furious trope may stand, his special lunacy stormed his general sanity, and carried it, and turned all its concentred cannon upon its own mad mark; so that far from having lost his strength, Ahab, to that one end, did now possess a thousand fold more potency than ever he had sanely brought to bear upon any one reasonable object.
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Friday, 25 October 2013

Cara Menyimpan Halaman Web Dengan Mudah dan Cepat dan Bisa di Baca Offline Menggunakan Google Chrome

Bagaimana cara menyimpan halaman website untuk dibaca dalam keadaan oflline ?? Pastinya cara ini sudah kita ketahui dengan jelas, yaitu dengan cara Klik Kanan Mouse + Save Page as..Nah,sekarang saya mau share salah satu ekstension dari google crhrome yang fungsinya hampir serupa dan tidak sama, Extension tersebut adalah Read Later Fast

Dengan Menggunakan Read Later Fast ini, untuk menyimpan page, tinggal Klik Kanan Mouse pada Halaman Website tersebut, dan Pilih Read Later

Untuk Melihat page yang udah kita simpan, anda tinggal klik icon Read Later Fast yang ada di Apps Chrome

 Dan Akhirnya Halaman-Halaman yang sudah anda simpan akan tersusun tenang, rapi dan aman

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Envato 2020 - Whats Next?

So they went up to the Mock Turtle, who looked at them with large eyes full of tears, but said nothing.

'This here young lady,' said the Gryphon, 'she wants for to know your history, she do.'

'I'll tell it her,' said the Mock Turtle in a deep, hollow tone: 'sit down, both of you, and don't speak a word till I've finished.'

So they sat down, and nobody spoke for some minutes. Alice thought to herself, 'I don't see how he can EVEN finish, if he doesn't begin.' But she waited patiently.

'Once,' said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, 'I was a real Turtle.'

These words were followed by a very long silence, broken only by an occasional exclamation of 'Hjckrrh!' from the Gryphon, and the constant heavy sobbing of the Mock Turtle. Alice was very nearly getting up and saying, 'Thank you, sir, for your interesting story,' but she could not help thinking there MUST be more to come, so she sat still and said nothing.

'When we were little,' the Mock Turtle went on at last, more calmly, though still sobbing a little now and then, 'we went to school in the sea. The master was an old Turtle—we used to call him Tortoise—'

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Monday, 21 October 2013

Free Download Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Portable Full (Indowebster)

Anda butuh atau ingin mencoba Adobe Photoshop CS 6 ? tapi malas untuk download atau install krn sizenya terlalu besar ? tenang sob, silahkan anda coba yang versi portable saja, insya Allah dijamin ringan, aman dan terkendali

 Adobe Photoshop CS 6

- Silahkan anda Download, Ekstrak RAR, dan Buka "Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Portable.exe"
- Kemudan lanjutkan proses Install di Drive sesuai pilihan anda.
- jika sudah selesai, jalankan aplikasinya.

- Pada saat pertama kalinya saya buka Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Portable ini bahasanya agak sedikit aneh (lihat gambar dibawah)

- Nah,untuk mengubah menjadi Bahasa Inggris,Masuk ke folder ditempat anda menginstall Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Portable, kalau saya installnya di D:/Software
D:\Software\Adobe Photoshop CS6.13.0\App\PhotoshopCS6\Locales\en_US\Support Files

- Pada Folder terakhir "Support Files", akan terlihat file "tw10428.dat"
- Rename File tersebut menjadi "tw10428.dat.bak"

- Sekarang jalankan lagi Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Portable nya, dan Bahasanya akan berubah menjadi English Language..

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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Windows 7 Logon Background Changer - Software Untuk Mengganti Background Logon di Windows 7

Dengan menggunakan software Windows 7 Logon Background Changer ini, kita bisa dengan mudahnya mengubah atau mengobrak abrik Background Logon pada Windows 7, Jadi Background logon standar bawaan windows 7 seperti pada gambar dibawah ini, akan kita ganti gambarnya sesuai pilihan anda...

Download Here Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Tutorial Mengganti Background Logon di Windows 7

- Jalankan Installer "[1].Win7LogonBackgroundChangerSetup" Hingga Selesai
- Kemudian Jalankan "[2].Win7LogonBackgroundChanger" untuk mengganti background logon
- Browser Folder tempat dimana anda menyimpan gambar logon yang akan anda ganti.

- Selanjutnya Tinggal anda pilih dan klik "apply"

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All My Movies™ v7.5 Full Crack - Software Untuk Membuat Database Film / Movie

All My Movies™ v7.5 Full Crack adalah sebuah software yang dapat kita gunakan untuk membuat database film/movie yang terdapat didalam hardisk. Dengan software ini, anda akan lebih mudah untuk membuat sebauh database Film Film favorit anda, baik itu film yang sudah anda tonton, ataupun belum...anda bisa dengan mudah Mengoleksi Review-Review sebuah film, dimana terdapat Tahun, Genre, Director, Sekanrio, Actors, Description, Dan lain sebagainya. Dan yang perlu diingat adalah untuk "add movie" harus dalam keadaan online, krn database akan diambil dari sebauh situs...

Download Here All My Movies™ v7.5 Full Crack

Tutorial Cara Menambahkan Database Movie

- Pilih Tab "Movie" dan klik "Add By Title"

- Pada contoh dibawah ini, saya ingin menambahkan database film Iron Man 3, maka ketik Iron Man 3 pada kolom, dan secara otomatis akan muncul beberapa list yang cocok dengan apa yang anda ketik, pilih lah salah satu..

- Selanjutnya silahkan Pilih Iron Man 3 (2013)

- Tunggu loading database sampai selesai seperti gambar dibawah ini, dan klik "OK"

- Jeng Jeng Jeng, akhirnya muncullah database dari Film Iron Man 3 ini

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Friday, 18 October 2013

Envato Stories - Muhammad (ThemeFusion)

Immediately after we resumed the march, and though I realized that in some way I had offended Dian the Beautiful I could not prevail upon her to talk with me that I might learn wherein I had erred—in fact I might quite as well have been addressing a sphinx for all the attention I got. At last my own foolish pride stepped in and prevented my making any further attempts, and thus a companionship that without my realizing it had come to mean a great deal to me was cut off. Thereafter I confined my conversation to Perry. Hooja did not renew his advances toward the girl, nor did he again venture near me.

Again the weary and apparently interminable marching became a perfect nightmare of horrors to me. The more firmly fixed became the realization that the girl's friendship had meant so much to me, the more I came to miss it; and the more impregnable the barrier of silly pride. But I was very young and would not ask Ghak for the explanation which I was sure he could give, and that might have made everything all right again.

On the march, or during halts, Dian refused consistently to notice me—when her eyes wandered in my direction she looked either over my head or directly through me. At last I became desperate, and determined to swallow my self-esteem, and again beg her to tell me how I had offended, and how I might make reparation. I made up my mind that I should do this at the next halt. We were approaching another range of mountains at the time, and when we reached them, instead of winding across them through some high-flung pass we entered a mighty natural tunnel—a series of labyrinthine grottoes, dark as Erebus.

The guards had no torches or light of any description. In fact we had seen no artificial light or sign of fire since we had entered Pellucidar. In a land of perpetual noon there is no need of light above ground, yet I marveled that they had no means of lighting their way through these dark, subterranean passages. So we crept along at a snail's pace, with much stumbling and falling—the guards keeping up a singsong chant ahead of us, interspersed with certain high notes which I found always indicated rough places and turns.

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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Cara Membuat File PDF dari Microsoft Word

Banyak software software yang bertebaran yang berfungsi untuk membuat file PDF. Tapi bagaimana membuat atau save file PDF dari Microsoft Word? karena ketika pertama kali anda menginstall M.Word, anda hanya dapat menyimpan file tersebut dalam format .doc atau .docx, untuk menyimpan file tersebut dalam format PDF, maka anda membutuhkan software kecil yang akan saya share ini.

Download Here Save as PDF

Tutorial Cara Membuat PDF
- Download dan Install Aplikasi "Save as PDF and XPS"
- Kalau sudah selesai, Buka Microsoft Word anda, dan Lanjutkan Proses seperti gambar dibawah ini.

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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Envato Stories - Andy Wilkerson (Parallelus)

Hither, and thither, on high, glided the snow-white wings of small, unspeckled birds; these were the gentle thoughts of the feminine air; but to and fro in the deeps, far down in the bottomless blue, rushed mighty leviathans, sword-fish, and sharks; and these were the strong, troubled, murderous thinkings of the masculine sea.

But though thus contrasting within, the contrast was only in shades and shadows without; those two seemed one; it was only the sex, as it were, that distinguished them.

Aloft, like a royal czar and king, the sun seemed giving this gentle air to this bold and rolling sea; even as bride to groom. And at the girdling line of the horizon, a soft and tremulous motion—most seen here at the Equator—denoted the fond, throbbing trust, the loving alarms, with which the poor bride gave her bosom away.

Tied up and twisted; gnarled and knotted with wrinkles; haggardly firm and unyielding; his eyes glowing like coals, that still glow in the ashes of ruin; untottering Ahab stood forth in the clearness of the morn; lifting his splintered helmet of a brow to the fair girl's forehead of heaven.

Oh, immortal infancy, and innocency of the azure! Invisible winged creatures that frolic all round us! Sweet childhood of air and sky! how oblivious were ye of old Ahab's close-coiled woe! But so have I seen little Miriam and Martha, laughing-eyed elves, heedlessly gambol around their old sire; sporting with the circle of singed locks which grew on the marge of that burnt-out crater of his brain.

Slowly crossing the deck from the scuttle, Ahab leaned over the side and watched how his shadow in the water sank and sank to his gaze, the more and the more that he strove to pierce the profundity. But the lovely aromas in that enchanted air did at last seem to dispel, for a moment, the cankerous thing in his soul. That glad, happy air, that winsome sky, did at last stroke and caress him; the step-mother world, so long cruel—forbidding—now threw affectionate arms round his stubborn neck, and did seem to joyously sob over him, as if over one, that however wilful and erring, she could yet find it in her heart to save and to bless. From beneath his slouched hat Ahab dropped a tear into the sea; nor did all the Pacific contain such wealth as that one wee drop.

Starbuck saw the old man; saw him, how he heavily leaned over the side; and he seemed to hear in his own true heart the measureless sobbing that stole out of the centre of the serenity around. Careful not to touch him, or be noticed by him, he yet drew near to him, and stood there.

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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Kode-kode Warna

Di dalam dunia web/blog, warna itu sangat penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap penampilan web/blog. Warna-warna biasanya digunakan untuk background, text, links, table dll. Kalo kombinasi warna pada web/blog kita tidak sesuai, atau tidak enak dipandang mata mata, maka hal itu akan membuat pengungjung web/blog kita menjadi kurang nyaman, dan kemungkinan akan malas untuk mengunjungi blog kita lagi. Tapi karena untuk untuk membuat warna-warna ini harus menggunakan kode-kode warna, maka bagi yang tidak begitu mahir tentang html akan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan kode-kode warna ini.

Nha oleh karena itulah dibawah ini telah aku buat Chart HTML Kode Warna bagi yang tidak tahu atau bagi yg pingin tahu kode-kode warna. Cara penggunaannya cukup mudah, km tinggal klik warna yang kamu pilih, maka kode warnanya akan tampil di kotak "kode warna:". Ok silahkan dicoba.

Kode warna yang terpilih :

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Dasar Dasar HTML

Sebuah Web atau Blog tidak bisa lepas dari yang namanya HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language) karena HTML inilah yang mendasari sebuah web/blog. Walaupun sekarang kita bisa membuat web/blog hanya dengan klak-klik mouse tapi setidaknya kita harus sedikit mengerti tentang dasar-dasar HTML, ya tho?. Dalam tutorial kali ini kita tidak akan membahas tentang semua dasar-dasar HTML tapi kita akan mempelajari tag-tag atau kode-kode penting yang sering digunakan dalam membangun sebuah web/blog misalnya cara membuat link, menampilkan gambar, mengganti warna font, membuat barus baru dll. Ok marikita mulai pelajaranya :

kode :
<img src="" border="0" height="17" width="90">
keterangan :
yang warna biru adalah lokasi gambar kamu.
height="17" width="90" adalah ukuran lebar dan tinggi gambar
hasil :

Kode :
<a href="" >trik blog </a>
Keterangan :
Text warna biru adalah link yang dituju.
Tulisan "trik blog" adalah tulisan yang ditampilkan.
Jika pingin yang dikasih link bukan tulisan melainkan gambar maka ganti tulisan tersebut dengan kode gambar seperti diatas, sehinga kodenya akan seperti ini :
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" height="17" width="90"> </a>
Jika pingin link yang dituju dibuka dalam window baru maka tambahkan kode target="_blank" setelah kode ""
Hasil :
trik blog (dibuka pada window yg sama)
(dibuka pada window baru)

Kode :
Keterangan :
Ganti tulisan "text" dengan tulisan yana kamu inginkan, tau bisa juga diganti dengan gambar

Kode :
Keterangan :
Tambahkan kode tersebut sebelum objek (text/gambar) yang dinginkan

Kode :

Hasil :
Garis Bawah

<font color="#FF0000"> text </font>
<font color="red"> text </font>

Keterangan :
Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan warna atau kode warna kesukaanmu.
Hasil :


Kode2 warna selengkapnya bisa dilihat DISINI

Ada beberapa karakter yang tidak bisa ditulis secara langsung, jika ditulis maka akan hilang atau berubah, jadi untuk menuliskanya harus menggunakan kode-kode tertentu, berikut ini contoh karakter-karakter tersebut :
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Highlight Author Comment

Highlight Author Comment fungsinya adalah supaya komentar author (pemilik blog) berbeda dengan komentar orang lain . Contohnya bisa dilihat di blog ini. Untuk komentar pemilik blog akan ada bordernya dan ada efek lainnya. Nha berikut ini akan aku beberkan cara untuk membuat Highlight Author Comment ini. Dah siap semuanya ? OK lets dance togather :D

1. Login ke blogger trus ke menu "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Copy script berikut ini sebelum kode ]]></b:skin> atau copy ke dalam kode CSS.

.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Warna Background */
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

4. Kemudian cari kode2 seperti berikut. Mungkin kode yg ada di HTML kamu akan beda, tp walaupun beda usahakan semirip mungkin dengan kode berikut ini :
<dl id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author' expr:id='"comment-" +'>
<a expr:name='"comment-" +'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>

<b:if cond=' =='>
<dd class='comment-body-author'>

<dd class='comment-body'>
<b:if cond='data:comment.isDeleted'>
<span class='deleted-comment'><data:comment.body/></span>


<dd class='comment-footer'>
<span class='comment-timestamp'>
<a expr:href='"#comment-" +' title='comment permalink'>
<b:include data='comment' name='commentDeleteIcon'/>

5. Kode yang berwarna merah adalah kode yang harus kamu tambahkan di HTML kamu. Posisinya harus benar, ingat itu.
6. Kalo sudah terus disave template kamu.

Comment author ini berdasarkan profil dari pemilik blog tsb. Jadi supaya efeknya muncul sebelum memberi komentar kamu harus login dulu di blogger. OK.
Oh ya ini bukan untuk komentar dari haloscan lho. Tapi hanya untuk kotak komentar yg dari blogger murni
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Membuat Artikel yg Berhubungan (Related Post)

Keuntungan menampilkan "Artikel yang berhubungan" atau "Related Post", "Related Article" adalah para pembaca blog bisa dengan mudah menemukan informasi lain yang masih ada hubungannya dengan artikel yg sedang mereka baca. Contohnya seperti yang ada dibagian akhir dari artikel ini, disitu ada link-link dari artikel yang berhubungan yang berdasarkan pada kategori ato label yang sama. Nha mau tahu cara membuatnya?

Caranya cukup mudah, ikuti langkah2 berikut ini:
1. Login ke blogger Blogger
2. Pilih menu "Layout-->Edit HTML"
3. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "Expand Widgets Template".
4. Kemudian download "SCRIPT INI"
5. Buka file tersebut kemudian copy semua script yang ada didalamnya.
6. Setelah itu cari kode ini <data:post.body/> dan letakkan script tadi dibawahnya. Untuk blog yang ada "readmore"nya biasanya akan terdapat 2 kode. Nha km taruhnya dabawah kode yang pertama.
7. Kalo sudah simpan template km dan lihat hasilnya.

Setelah jadi, jika kamu ingin merubah tulisan "Related Posts by Categories" maka cari kode tersebut di HTML, trus ganti dengan text/tulisan yg kamu suka.
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Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The First 6 Months of Envato: How We Started a Multimillion Dollar Marketplace

But the interval I spent in deliberating what to say, was a fatal one. Taking up his tomahawk from the table, he examined the head of it for an instant, and then holding it to the light, with his mouth at the handle, he puffed out great clouds of tobacco smoke. The next moment the light was extinguished, and this wild cannibal, tomahawk between his teeth, sprang into bed with me. I sang out, I could not help it now; and giving a sudden grunt of astonishment he began feeling me.

Stammering out something, I knew not what, I rolled away from him against the wall, and then conjured him, whoever or whatever he might be, to keep quiet, and let me get up and light the lamp again. But his guttural responses satisfied me at once that he but ill comprehended my meaning.

"Who-e debel you?"—he at last said—"you no speak-e, dam-me, I kill-e." And so saying the lighted tomahawk began flourishing about me in the dark.

"Landlord, for God's sake, Peter Coffin!" shouted I. "Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!"

"Speak-e! tell-ee me who-ee be, or dam-me, I kill-e!" again growled the cannibal, while his horrid flourishings of the tomahawk scattered the hot tobacco ashes about me till I thought my linen would get on fire. But thank heaven, at that moment the landlord came into the room light in hand, and leaping from the bed I ran up to him.

"Don't be afraid now," said he, grinning again, "Queequeg here wouldn't harm a hair of your head."

"Stop your grinning," shouted I, "and why didn't you tell me that that infernal harpooneer was a cannibal?"

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